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Greetings in the Matchless name of our Risen Lord. Sometimes God has put something new in ones mind that starts something new, and there are people who are working on this matter. These people has no exception on this. 

In the year 2019 this person met a terrible accident, but by the Grace of God he recovered and recalling his past life. With it he formed this DIVINE GRACE MINISTRY with a purpose that bring people to the Lord.

Being a Hindu how this person got the Divine Grace from the Creator it is really really amazing.  From the childhood he learnt the Hindu concept of worshiping the so called god and goddesses. But as he grew up some inner turmoil coming to his mind that he was about to end up his life with joining extremist group. At this juncture he met a lady evangelist. She told him about Christ and His forgiveness of sins. Then he compare with the Hindu Scripture and Gayatri Mantra and finding that Christ can forgive sins that he ever committed, besides he found the same that Christ is the Way, Christ is the Truth, and Christ is the life- none could go to the Father but only through Christ. Again he found the Christ could lead to the Light and lead to eternal life. Then he gave up the earlier faith and accept Christ as personal Saviour. Then the real persecution began. His own family disown him, his own friends and colleagues left him, and at this point he joins for study in another college where nobody knows him. Since his family members disown him so he joins as hotel waiter to meet his college dues. Somehow he could completed his college study. After that he went to Bible College in Maharashtra. There he studied for three years then he joined as an Evangelist there he worked for ten years, then he joined  a Teacher, there he worked for four years, then an NGO Manager, there he worked three years,  and again he joins a fellowship In charge. Right now he is Pastoring a Church having twelve families.  Because he knew that without Christ people are in hopelessness, only Christ can give hope for eternity. To making it short he formed a local Evangelist group called DIVINE GRACE MINISTRY. It is very intial stage, so we need your suggestion and co-operation to develope this.


What we believe: 

We believe that the Scripture fully inspired by God.  The Virgin birth, suffered and died on the Cross under Pontius Pilat, rose again from the death, ascended into heaven, and will come again to judge the dead. 


Our Vision:

To see all Assamese people worship the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Saviour eventually can save from eternal destruction.


Our Mission: 

Building Network with other Like Minded People and Mission Organisation to achieve the goal, Building new strategy for reaching the unreached.  


Our Aims: 

  • Its prime aim is to Bringing People to Christ by Holistic Ministry.

  • Helping the poor in times of need and stand by side to uplift them as way possible.



The object of the Divine Grace Ministry, generally, is carrying out of Public, Charitable, Educational, Social and Spiritual work in its widest meaning.


Testimony of Our Believers:

            Elina Nayar

There are some people whose lives are being tranformed by knowing Christ as their personal saviour. There are numerous people who experiences transformation.  




Who we are:

Sometime God has put something in ones mind that starts something new. There are group of people who want to have their real identity by worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ.  For that purpose this person called his own Christ believers and proposed to starts a ministry. In the beginning they are proposing different names but at end everybody is agreeing with this name.   For that purpose they formed one ministry called DIVINE GRACE MINISTRY in the year 2019. Initially the persons associates with this ministry was as follows- Mr. Nityananda Nath and family became Convenor, others remain just as member- 
Mr. Tomjid Ahmed, Mr. Izzat Ali, Mr. Pranjal Choudhury, Mr. Dildar Dewan, Mr. Jayanta Langflang, Mr. Dharani Das,  Mr. Khursid Alam and family, Mr. Jonathan Horo and family, Mr. Bivash Saikia, Mr. Biren Sonowal,  Mr. Udipt Hazarika and family, Mrs. Senehi Pegu, Mrs. Basanti Baishya and family, Mrs. Minu Bordoloi, Mrs. Punam Boro, Miss Sushila Devi.


As time passes most of the people had left us and only few remain, and with it the convenor runs the ministry and new people joins and with it become 12 families.  The ministry is based in Guwahati, which is the door way to the North East India.  

To know more about Guwahati (please click)


What we do


In the line of Spiritual and Moral activities:

  • To teach about the Morality of life and how to act upon it to our trainees and to our vocational learners in general.

  • To teach about the teaching of Jesus Christ and to follow also abide by the moral laws of the Scripture. 

  • To preach about the Grace of God and to meditate upon it and also to realize its effect in one’s life in general.

  • To apply and achieve grants from all agencies including private and government agencies for education and conducting programmes for women, workers, children, adult etc.

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