
I am Elina Nayar, born and brought up in a Christian family. I live in here in Guwahati.  I was regular in Sunday school, memorising words of the Bible. But unfortunately I was married to a non-Christian family. In the beginning it was good to me but later on I faced real persecution. Though I want to go church service I was not allowed to go even forced me to worship their idols which I reluctantly doing. As time passed I had two children, now they are established, but I could not teach them the love of God. In one sense I was dieing in spiritually. My husband and in laws always watch over me. I was completely forgotten, I had nowhere to go but to waiting that some way may be there. One my older sister talked about family problem and Jesus Christ how to deal with it. It seems like a grace to me, I was studying the Bible though I could not understand at first, later slowly I could get the point. But she keep insisting me that I should read the Bible more attentively.

Bible says no one is righteous before God again Bible says wages of sin is death. I was sinning by going away for the Lord, also I was sinner before God in fact everyone is sinner before Him, if I die I had no way but going to hell where I will tormented forever. Jesus says I am the way, the truth and the life none could come the father but by me (John14:6). And again it says, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away sin of the world (John 1:29) if he has taken away the sin of the world then I am in the world, so he has taken my sin also. I am free from eternal condemnation. Hebrews 9:11-12 says, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood, He Obtained the eternal redemption by entering the Most Holy place. I am forgiven. Because I believe the Grace of God. The grace I receive which I did not deserve. In Ephesian 2:8 says by Grace through Faith I have been saved. Grace alone is sufficient, nothing is needed.

Now I have eternal hope in Jesus Christ. Eagerly waiting for His second coming, if he comes now I will be taken up, because I am sealed with holy of promise. When I was a sinner Christ died for me to give abundant life. Because I could not do anything to forgive my sins, Christ has forgiven and gave me the Holy Spirit which made me a Royal Priest. I become a special people. Then I joined one our local church, but the scripture explanation by our local church pastor, I am not getting fully, so joined divine grace, still I am learning step by step, the secrete that He keeps in His Word. I am learning with Divine Grace ministry. If I do not understand I ask about the things which our Pastor explains. And again that I learnt the things from my childhood slowly recall. If this testimony is a blessing to you, then I feel that I am blessed.  God bless you. Thank you.


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