
I am Minu Bordoloi, from Jagiroad, Assam. I was born and brought up in a non-Christian family. From childhood I learnt to worship so god and goddesses. After my marriage though I was worshiping gods but did not get any true peace. Mean time we had four daughters. And my husband passed away. I had to work hard to support my family. I had throat my sickness. My in laws and relatives told me go to village physician, I did, but not getting relief. Then I went to see a doctor, doctor gave me medicine, I used but did not fully cured, when used it is okey, but medicine is over it is again the sickness comes.

Then one of our sister told me that if praying in Jesus’ name can heal me. I believe and went to a place in Guwahati Kundil Nagar, there is one prayer centre. When I went there, I saw there were many people came for prayer. I told everything to the prayer warrior. They prayed only for one time and I feel like something happened, and slowly my throat sickness disappearing. I came to believe that this Jesus can heal me completely. First I thought Jesus was a healer, because I did not know the true Gospel.

Then one day I came to see Ganeshguri Fellowship, the person nicely talked about the Gospel which I did not understand. Following again I went and listen the Gospel that he talked about, this time I had some idea, likewise I was keep coming to listen every Sunday. Later I know that I am a sinner before God. And Jesus Christ can forgive me of my sins, which I was not knowing during my visit of Guwahati Kundil Nagar prayer centre. The wages of sin is death as Bible says, but if we believe the Grace of God I can be free from eternal condemnation. Christ paid my wages and bought me eternally. Like in shop if we buy something we have to pay the complete price, likewise Christ paid my wages, I become His. As 1st Corithians 6:19-20 says you are bought with a price. That price is the blood of Jesus Christ. In Hebrew 9:11-12 says by He entered the Most Holy Place with His own blood and He obtained eternal life.

Christ can give me the complete hope where I was in hopelessness situation. Now I go to have fellowship at Guwahati whenever I had time. And trying to preach the good news that I receive, because for everyone Christ died, it is not only me but for everyone. Everyone in a sense those who believe it is becoming His Children. That means becoming God’s Children. It is great joy to become God’s children. Bible is the Word of God, so whenever I get time I read. Because without food we become weak, likewise the word of the Bible is the food for the Spirit. We have to eat the word then become strong and healthy.

I have the blessed hope that if Christ come again now, I will be taken up. So eagerly waiting for his coming. And it is applicable to everyone, the person who believe, he becomes his child, by believing his grace becomes his children. Becomes righteous and will be taken up in heaven. But the person those who do not believe will be left out. His second coming is near. Get ready. I have the blessed hope. Do you? God bless you.


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